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Fitz Gate News

Fitz Gate Newsletter May 2019

By May 10, 2019April 8th, 2024No Comments

Dear Investors and Friends:

Lots of news on which to catch up! We invested in another company from Fund I in December (Wit — see below), we had a first closing in March of Fitz Gate Ventures II (thank you to all of our existing and new partners!), we invested in Cartful Solutions from both Fund I and Fund II (see below), and we have term sheets out to lead 2 more investments which we expect to close in June (more to come later on these 2). In addition, there has been a lot of positive PR for our existing portfolio companies (links below), including Wit CEO Vaidhy Murthy winning Princeton’s highest entrepreneurship award (our second founder to do so), Oprah choosing a Paravel bag as one of her “Favorite Things“, Newsguard making headlines in the US and EU (including a ringing endorsement from the floor of the British Parliament), Overtime’s new fundraising round (good bump in valuation for Fitz Gate), and Predata’s partnership with Bloomberg. Please see the links below as well as our website for more portfolio company news.

Finally, we closed on approximately 2/3 of our Fitz Gate Ventures II fundraising target, and we’re continuing to accept new investors. If you are interested in reviewing the Fitz Gate II investor deck, please contact either of us — we’re excited to discuss our strategy and plans with all our investors and friends.

As always, please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or have come across an interesting company with a Princetonian on board.

Jim Cohen and Mark Poag

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